Lambda API: v0.7 Released

v0.7 adds features to control middleware execution based on path plus parsing of the AWS Lambda context object. ESLint and coverage reports were also added.

Posted in #lambda-api

Lambda v0.7 is here! New features include allowing middleware to accept an optional path argument that supports multiple paths, wildcards, and parameter matching to better control middleware execution. Plus additional parsing of the AWS Lambda context object for use in your applications. In an effort to ensure code quality and adequate test coverage, ESLint was added as well as coverage reports using Istanbul and Coveralls.



Restricting middleware execution to certain path(s)

By default, middleware will execute on every path. If you only need it to execute for specific paths, pass the path (or array of paths) as the first parameter to the use function.

// Single path api.use('/users', (req,res,next) => { next() }) // Wildcard path api.use('/users/*', (req,res,next) => { next() }) // Multiple path api.use(['/users','/posts'], (req,res,next) => { next() }) // Parameterized paths api.use('/users/:userId',(req,res,next) => { next() }) // Multiple paths with parameters and wildcards api.use(['/comments','/users/:userId','/posts/*'],(req,res,next) => { next() })

Path matching checks both the supplied path and the defined route. This means that parameterized paths can be matched by either the parameter (e.g. /users/:param1) or by an exact matching path (e.g. /users/123).

AWS Lambda Context Parsing

Lambda API now automatically parses the context object passed into the main handler function to give better access to this data within your middleware and routes. The REQUEST object now contains an id key that contains the awsRequestId as well as a context key that references the passed context directly. Access the clientContext, log_stream_name, identity and more using REQUEST.context. You can also call REQUEST.context.getRemainingTimeInMillis() to obtain the remaining execution time.

Test Coverage and ESLint

As we get closer to releasing a solid "version 1.0" of Lambda API, we want to ensure that regressions don't creep into our code. We've added test coverage reporting with Istanbul and Coveralls as well as ESLint to ensure code quality.

Full Release Notes:

